Category Archives: Small Groups

The Importance of Small Groups

The Small Group is key for Chi Alpha.  It’s where teachings are more privately given and people are more controlled and manipulated.  What ever their end, its done out of public view.  This is why Small Groups are so important.  Keep in mind, this is outside and separate from their big worship day when all the small groups come together.

If there was a big service project where a church needed help, during small group time; the small group will be chosen and kept separate and private.

If there was a big public event that involved reaching lost and fellowship with other believers from other ministries, the small group takes higher priority.

If ANY event or situation came up during small group time; the leader would discourage, shun, or guilt their members from taking part in it.  This ties into when small group time is conveniently planned.

The high priority and importance of small groups held to privacy is for the control and manipulation of its members because there is no reason for anyone to be kept from fellowship, worship, unity, and service at anytime and passing up the God given opportunity to leave the sheep to find the lost one is flat out contrary to what Jesus and scripture teaches.

The Small Group Experience

[NOTE: This is NOT saying ALL small groups are like this but according to XA’s own, its encouraged ]

What do they do at Small group?  Well it depends on who is the leader of it;  BUT the organization does say what the small group SHOULD be doing.

The Staff give information to the Resource Leaders and the Resource Leaders then tell the small group leaders what to do that week for their small group time.

What It Looks Like On The Surface:
Typically it is a discussion about a certain topic.  They all meet at someones apartment, encouraged to bring a new friend and just hangout for a few hours.  Sounds all nice and dandy right? Thats exactly what they want you to feel like.

What Is Actually Encouraged:
The purpose for being you into their small group is actually more sad.  The true purpose of small groups is to find and build more XA loyal members and expand the organization.  Not to be your best friend and hold your hand through life.  Thats it.  Members are more like numbers and are owned by the small group leader.  If at any time a member is not XA loyal, they are “let go” and left alone, no longer invited, and almost ignored (except for in public to maintain their image).

What Is “discussed”
Those who do continue to attend small group get to hear their nice topics like, Perfection, Sinlessness, and all the teachings of Chi Alpha, Winkie, Assemblies of God doctrines, and Moral Government Theology.

What is even more sad and scary is the Bible is rarely read AND STUDIED.  Maybe a few nice sweet verses here and there used and twisted to validate the discussion but actually going through it and studying it is almost non-existnat.

When an old member wants to come back to XA then suddenly the leader treats them like they were best friends and ‘let go’.

Small Group Event Planning
The small group leader learns the members schedules and other affiliations then plans to direct them into only XA related events.  They will purposely plan small group events during other ministry times to prevent their members from attending and connecting with other ministries.

Leadership Training LTC
This is a constant thing throughout the semester then the members who are not even ready for ‘leadership’ or are involved with other ministries are then summited for LTC to continue the XA membership cycle.